Friday, August 15, 2008

Are there any new stories?

Many people say that there are no new stories, just ones that have been rewritten. Are the unique ones that crop up occasionally actually new? Or you just haven’t read the first story yet?  Circles upon circles upon circles...

I do believe that there are recurring themes (betrayal, lovers meet and seperate yet ultimately come through, hope through adversity, etc. etc. etc.).  Yet as both a reader and a writer, I’d like to believe there are still original stories out there.

I’d even like to believe I’ve come up with a few stories myself.  I've never been one to really follow "trends", and while I may write shifters occasionally, they're very unusual ones.  Paranormal?  Oh yeah.  I love the ghosties, so I guess maybe I'm not as original as I'd like to believe.

Is this all just wishful thinking? Maybe so – but it’s my fantasy and I can think what I like. ;)

What do you think?

Cassidy McKay